Exceptional Promise - Please help review my evidence

Thank you for taking out time to review

Background: Picked up my first programming course in October of 2020, applied for and got into a coding bootcamp in 2021. After 4 months of training, I got an internship offer ( stayed for 2 months) and later got a job in a leading bank in Nigeria. Currently a Mid-level Software Developer here in the UK

Mandatory Evidence

  1. Reference Letter from CEO of a Nigerian Startup where I am currently leading the AI team
  2. GitHub repo code from startup
  3. system architecture diagrams drawn by me
  4. Offer letter from Nigerian Bank,
  5. contract showing I was hired as a consultant for a couple of millions (in Naira)
  6. Admission letter from coding bootcamp showing I was top 1% out of 20,000 applicants.
  7. Scholarship offer from bootcamp as well.
  8. Code review comments in current company

OC 3

  1. Letter from current UK employer

  2. Code contributions in current company

  3. Code contributions in previous companies

OC 4

  1. Letter from Project Supervisor

  2. Distinction Certificate and Transcript from UK Uni (Msc Artificial Intelligence and Data science).**

  3. Recommendation letter from another Lecturer**

You need to trim down MC to 4 evidence files.
5 - consulting work doesn’t fir the guidelines
7 - how many people attended the bootcamp?

OC4 is about academic contributions, and specifically excludes Msc work

Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify for this criteria;
Do you have papers / research to show?

I would advise reading the TN guide, it has more details Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation


Hi @Joda_Olumide adding on top of @hsafra inputs:

  1. Your OC4 is filled of letters mostly. Letters are insufficient to demonstrate success in any criteria. You need to be presenting a lot more of your research, papers, patents supported by letters but just letters is not good enough.

  2. OC3 is about quantified impact of specifically your contributions. Does the letter talk in depth about this? The other two evidences can be clubbed under 1 however they are still insufficient to prove impact: it shows your work but how is it significant contribution accompanied by proof of impact?


@Joda_Olumide, I will advise taking some time to strengthen your profile before applying, as your current evidence [limited to your current job and bootcamp] may not be sufficient for an endorsement. To improve your chances, I suggest thoroughly reviewing the Tech Nation guidelines and working on building a more robust portfolio that aligns with the guidelines.