Examples of proof of traction for OC1 and OC3

@ask4jubad first thanks for your reply.
I didn’t say I don’t have evidence for OC1 or OC3. For OC1: I will be already submitting other documents talking about the features and how they are innovative, showing product screenshots, submitting a letter from the acquiring company talking about why our product was different. But based on Tech Nation guidelines (and some posts here), they mention including traction data. I have some traction data but I’m missing the analytics dashboards screenshots, so what I’m asking here is giving any other examples that can be used as traction proof … I’ve seen a lot of great ideas in other posts before on how to use different types of evidence, so I asked here maybe someone has some insight.

What I’ve shared here are only examples of traction to use as a supporting evidence, it’s not the evidence I’m using for OC1 or OC3.
My full evidence list is shared here: Exceptional Talent: Review my application + Few questions [URGENT]