Evidences for business applicant MC and OC and LoR

I am a bit confused about the evidences, I need to show min 1 for MC and the rest will be for OC to complete 10 documents. (Please correct me if I am wrong) . The problem is that when it comes to the evidences, I have worked in the same company and developed 3 different products. Is the following approach for the documents ok?

  1. I will receive one recommendation letter from the owner of the company
  2. I will get TWO recommendation letters from the professors to discuss my work and dıgital products,
    MC: One reference letter from the professor that I led the growth of 3 digital products and the project team inside the company
    Question: Can I use this evidence in a way that getting 3 different letters for each product and the project??
    OC1: Evidence of salary for each projects (total 3 evidences)
    OC3:Having led in the development of high-impact digital products or services (for each 3 products, total 3 evidences)
    Those make total 9 evidences and I have seen that a cover letter which mentions how the evidences are matched to the criteria is also counted as evidence. Is that correct??
    Can you please review above mentioned approach?
    PS: I am an industrial engineer, have MBA and a PhD candidate in Business management, that s why I have to be considered as business applicant, I guess!

Hi @Zehra_Yetiskin

  • Your evidence set of MC and OC1 is weak.
  • firstly, you need to provide a minimum of 2 evidences per criteria not 1
  • MC is the toughest criteria to clear imo and you need to demonstrate leadership in the sector
  • 3 salary letters for OC1 is weak. OC1 is about showing your significant contribution to product innovation and development and the impact of those products validated by external evidence. You need to first demonstrate this and salary letters are insufficient to prove this.
  • OC3 is about showing impact of your work. You need to specifically show your contribution and quantified impact of your contribution validated by third party evidence
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Hi @pahuja
Thanks for your quick prompt
In this case I can not understand the difference between OC1 and OC3. Could you please explain further? Any example is highly appreciated .

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@pahuja and one more question related to the number of the products. I have 3 digital product, should I arrange the relevant evidences for all or for each one?

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The difference is that OC1 is about you leading a product innovation or development and showing associated impact of it.

OC3 is about technical, commercial or entrepreneurial impact. It can be through product/sales/growth/marketing/anything where you contributed significantly to an issue and had an impact on say revenue or #customers or #georgaphy expansion etc. an impact visible through quantified metrics.

I didn’t understand the second question but if you have been part of 3 key products then you should put together all 3 and have associated evidence for it.