I’m planning to submit an evidence of conferences/talks in which 2 of them are panel discussions on tech topics (meaning that I’m not the sole speaker in the discussion but am joined along with 4 other panelists).
Would such an event be okay for OC? Or do we necessarily require the event to be a solo speaking event?
It’s not the strongest evidence on its own but there’s no harm in including it. Include pictures, conference viewership, any post-conference LinkedIn posts or coverage etc.
Hope you have other strong references as well that directly meet the example stated in the guidelines.
Is this a sector leading event? Does this event come up on Google searches. I have noticed, random speaking events are now considered weak. So you need to be mindful of speaking evidence and ensure it is truly high profile.
Yes, they do come up in Google searches and one of them has a PR article about it. Altho certainly I wasn’t a solo speaker in them… but I guess I will give it a shot and include them. Thank you very much!