Can a closed company harm my chances?

I have been a founding team member at multiple startups from which I will be asking for recommendations. The startup I worked for the longest and was the most influential at was closed 3 years ago.

Can getting recommendations from a closed business owner harm my chances?
He is globally recognized, was a top talent at Google in the early 2000s, but I’m afraid that showing impact by demonstration of a business that didn’t make it can be counter productive… But this is still a great source of recommendations for me.

I’d appreciate your advice, not sure how to approach this…

If you are not convinced enough, look for another person, but that the business fail does not mean the person is not an expert.

I don’t have doubts he’s an expert, I am concerned that they’ll say I didn’t really contributed to the field because it was eventually a failure

There is a place in the Technation guide that says even if the company did not succeed/ closed. You can read the TexhNation guide again

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Thanks, I will do a double check