Advice - Typical Global Talent Profiles

I wanted to write a quick post on the typical profiles I see from the people I’ve helped here and outside. Typically, successful applicants typically fall into one of three distinct profiles:

The Exceptional Entrepreneur

The exceptional entrepreneur demonstrates significant commercial or entrepreneurial impact in product-led digital technology companies. They typically have a proven track record of either founding successful startups, driving substantial revenue growth, or leading significant investments (over £25m).

Their achievements often include successful exits, major funding rounds, or transforming existing digital businesses through innovation. These individuals are usually C-suite executives, founders, or senior leaders who have scaled teams and products, showing clear evidence of commercial success through metrics like revenue growth, customer acquisition, or market expansion.

Typically, candidates in this category show evidence in Optional Criteria 1 - which talks about growning businesses, combined with Optional Criteria 2 or 3 - which are more about being recognised as an expert outside of your work.

The Prolific Programmer

The prolific programmer shows exceptional technical expertise with the latest technologies. They have a strong track record of building, deploying, or exploiting technology stacks and technical infrastructure. Their impact is evident through significant open-source contributions, creation of widely-used developer tools, or leading high-impact technical projects.

Beyond their day job, they actively contribute to the tech community through conference speaking, technical content creation, or leading industry initiatives. Key evidence often includes GitHub contributions, Stack Overflow reputation, technical blog posts with significant readership, or speaking engagements at major tech conferences with 100+ attendees.

These candidates have strong evidence in Optional Criteria 2 and 3 - which are mainly about being recognised as an expert outside of your work, and showcasing significant contributions as an employee of a company.

The Remarkable Researcher

The remarkable researcher demonstrates exceptional ability through academic or industrial research contributions. Their work typically includes peer-reviewed publications in top-tier journals, patents for breakthrough innovations, or leadership of significant research initiatives.

They often hold PhDs or have substantial research publications, and their work receives notable citations and recognition from peers. These individuals might lead research teams or laboratories, contribute to major scientific advances, or bridge academic research with practical industry applications in areas like AI, machine learning, or other emerging technologies.

Researchers have strong evidence for Optional Criteria 4, which focuses on demonstrable impact in research, including by their peers. They typically have evidence for Optional Criteria 2 and 3 as well.

Remember: Success lies in providing substantial, verifiable evidence of your achievements. This could include employment contracts showing high salary/equity, recommendation letters from industry experts who’ve known your work for 12+ months, documented commercial success, or recognized contributions to your field. The key is not just claiming expertise, but proving it through measurable impact and external recognition.

Let me know if there are any questions about your profile I can answer :smile:


Regarding Stack Overflow, what counts as a strong reputation worthy of making a case for endorsement? Will a reputation under 1k be considered strong?

Unfortunately I don’t know what the numbers mean as I haven’t spent a lot of time contributing to Stack overflow.

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I think they focus more on long-term consistency of contributions and the impact they have made e.g answers and their votes, timeline of your engagements on the platform, significant discussions around code, etc

Personally, I had a reputation less than 1K and 65K+ impressions and I still submitted it as an evidence. The most important factor is likely just how you present screenshots of all of the above in way that comes across as exceptional.

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Thanks for sharing these tips