Please help review my application for Exceptional Talent Application

Hello all, Please confirm if the following evidences are good enough. Here’s what I have presented as documents

Recommendation letters

  1. CTO of product led company I worked with in Nigeria
  2. Section Head of an NGO in the oil sector that I worked in a technology capacity (AI/ML)
  3. Senior Software Engineer / ex-Engineering Manager of Top Tech company in the world (being with the company for 9 years)


  1. Technical contribution of work done at product-led contribution (diagrams showing percentage growth in model performance)
  2. Evidence for assessing the works of others (Interviewing candidates for the product-led company, and participating in code reviews for the candidates)
  3. Awards from competitions with over 2000 participants


  1. Mentoring at national event for an NGO in the oil sector. Screenshots of chats + letter of appreciation


  1. Significant contribution to developing services in the existing company which had a huge impact on revenue. Also includes certifications won for the company that helped the company become high ranking as Microsoft partners
  2. Proof of employment, salary, and evidence supporting the high-rated employee in my country.

Please how strong is this?

I am not sure if only 6 evidences could be considered strong. Especially only one evidence at OC2 may not be sufficient.

how is NGO in the oil sector productled digital technology?

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okay thank you. I’ll add more

For just the recommendation letter or even in the mentorship?