Global Telent visa: Media presence evidence

@Iremide It’s good that you are hoping to meet someone that has applied for the same role but my guess is it may not be that easy since your circumstances would vary individually. For instance, even if you find one, they may have applied as an Exceptional Promise while you may be applying for Exceptional Talent and vice versa.

What I think you can do to help you quickly set out is to share everything that you have gathered and ask others to help you review on the platform. You can always take a lead from other people’s submission packages and fit them for your purpose.

One thing that is clear is that you can’t just have a bunch of email reports as your evidence. The most important bit is to demonstrate working in or owing a product-led company or in the digital technology space.

As a Software Tester, you can easily show lines of code (if you do automation tests), git repo commits, manual testing bug reports, letter(s) confirmation your contribution as a tester in a product-led outfit, salary and promotion letters, etc.

Makes sense?

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@Ademola_Bhadmus the date on the businessday link is Dec 2022 and that may throw suspicions. Besides it’s questionable putting details of how development or testing apps is done in a newspaper outlet. You can contribute to industry-focused platforms like: instead.

I would say to push your YouTube subscribership and viewership more since the numbers and impact of that can easily be demonstrated through analytics, comments and the actual content of the video(s).

Your article on businessday (and any other recent one) should only be mentioned superficially.

Thank you very much. I am in the process of creating two or three tutorial contents for a company in India (, they are like Udemy). Can this be used?

@Ademola_Bhadmus To be honest, I really can’t comment if that would pass.

For instance, under which criteria would it fall? OC2? (that’s not voluntary if it brings in money perhaps)

OC3? (not within employment or as a founder)

More so, it would be recent when considered against when you are likely to submit your application. While that may not be a problem overall, the risk exists that it may be deemed as evidence prepared solely for the GTV endorsement.

Since you are already in the UK from what you have said, perhaps, you can consider applying for Exceptional Promise if you’d be able to get more suitable evidences.

The barrier for Exceptional Leader is higher and you must have been recognized as a leader at least at national level.